It represents the ATN-RTA, chairs its bodies, implements the decisions of the Orientations Committee and the Executive Committee and takes all necessary action for the proper functioning and preservation of the network.
The ATN-RTA Presidency is held alternately by the countries represented in the network, for a two-year mandate.
Orientations Committee
The plenary body of the ATN-RTA, taking the strategic decisions on the main actions to be conducted by the network. It defines the areas of work, adopts the proposals and conclusions of the working groups.
Working groups
Set up on an ad hoc basis by the Orientations Committee, they carry out the works, produce analyses and proposals of the ATN-RTA, which are then adopted by the Orientations Committee.
Executive committee
It assists the presidency and ensures the proper implementation of the decisions of the Orientations Committee.
Read the organization charter of the ATN-RTA