The Atlantic Transnational Network (ATN-RTA) is a platform for cooperation of civil society in the Atlantic area, formally launched on September 19th, 2003, at the first meeting of its plenary body, the Orientations Committee.
This transnational network gathers Economic, Social and Environmental Councils from regions of the Atlantic area (CES and CESER). In Member States where such institutions do not exist, similar regional organisations are represented in the network.
The main objective of the network is to promote and foster cooperation between socio-professional representatives from civil society in order to influence European policies towards the Atlantic coast.
The Atlantic Transnational Network has a permanent cooperation agreement with the Atlantic Arc Commission (AAC) of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR).
- Regular contacts between members of the network
Exchange of experiences on common topics of interest for European regions of the Atlantic area
Production of thematic studies and contributions : for instance related to the Atlantic maritime strategy, transports or innovation
- The development of policy proposals for a reinforced integration and cooperation of the Atlantic area at European level