Presentation event of the ATN-RTA’s document “Towards a revision of the TEN-T for the Atlantic Area”
On July 1st, the presentation event of ATN-RTA’s document – which gathers economic, social and environmental councils (CES and CESER) from regions of the Atlantic area and their regional counterparts – “Towards a revision of the TEN-T for the Atlantic Area” was hosted by the CES of Castilla and León.
The CES of Castilla and León was appointed to organise this event with a view to formally present the policy paper adopted by the ATN-RTA. This meeting foresaw keynote speeches from Juan Carlos Suárez-Quiñones, Regional Development and Environnement Minister from the regional government of Castilla and León, Patrick Caré, ATN-RTA President, Camille de Amorin Bonneau, chair of the working group, as well as the rapporteurs of the document : Enrique Cabero Morán, President of the CES Castilla and León and Jean-Luc Léger, President of CESER Normandy.
In 2018, following on from its previous works, the Atlantic Transnational Network chose to engage itself in the revision process of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) in order to contribute with its analysis of the economic, social and environmental issues for Regions of the Atlantic-Channel coastline, and to formulate relevant proposals, in particular regarding the Atlantic Corridor.
By presenting this initial contribution ahead of the publication by the European Commission of its legislative proposal by fall 2021, the ATN-RTA urges European institutions, and relevant national and regional stakeholders, to take the specific characteristics of EU’s Atlantic regions into account in the future negotiations, scheduled to start this year, so as to build a “TEN-T adapted to the future”.
For ATN-RTA members, which represent key stakeholders from the Atlantic’s civil society, the next revision of the TEN-T must ensure the interconnection between the core and the comprehensive network, so as to enhance accessibility to all EU territories, notably for peripheral and rural areas of Europe, whose economic and social development relies on the quality of transport infrastructures.
Source text : Economic and Social Council of Castilla and León

ATN-RTA members present their contribution “Towards a revision of the TEN-T for the Atlantic Area”
In 2018, following on from its previous works, the Atlantic Transnational Network chose to engage itself in the revision process of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) in order to contribute with its analysis of the economic, social and environmental issues for Regions of the Atlantic-Channel coastline, and to formulate relevant proposals, in particular regarding the Atlantic Corridor.
For ATN-RTA members, which represent key stakeholders from the Atlantic’s civil society, the next revision of the TEN-T must ensure the interconnection between the core and the comprehensive network, so as to enhance accessibility to all EU territories, notably for peripheral and rural areas of Europe, whose economic and social development relies on the quality of transport infrastructures. Therefore, the core network, consisting of the nine multimodal corridors, should be a strategic backbone identified to streamline and facilitate the coordinated implementation of projects from the comprehensive network.
The working group, chaired by Ms Camille DE AMORIN BONNEAU (CESER Nouvelle-Aquitaine), was actively mobilised in 2020, despite very trouble times due to the covid-19 crisis, in order to produce a first contribution “Towards a revision of the TEN-T for the Atlantic Area”. Its co-rapporteurs are Mr Enrique CABERO MORAN (President of CES Castilla y Léon) and Ms Nicole GOOSSENS (Vice-President of CESER Normandy) and then Mr Jean-Luc LEGER (President of CESER Normandy).
This policy position sums up the ATN-RTA’s 8 overall priorities regarding the revision of the TEN-T and its future orientations:
- Completing the network in accordance with the given deadlines by 2030 and 2050;
- The international dimension of the TEN-T, in particular in the context of BREXIT;
- Alleviating the issues related to accessibility, missing links and bottlenecks on the Atlantic-Channel façade;
- Boosting the energy and digital transitions of the TEN-T;
- Rebalancing the modal and multimodal transport split;
- The strategic role of rail and maritime transport;
- The function of transport in the event of a major crisis in the EU;
- Adequate financing.
By presenting this initial contribution ahead of the publication by the European Commission of its legislative proposal by fall 2021, the ATN-RTA urges the various European institutions, and relevant national and regional stakeholders, to take the specific characteristics of EU’s Atlantic regions into account in the future negotiations, scheduled to start in 2021, so as to build a “TEN-T adapted to the future”.
ATN-RTA members will continue their substantive works on the Trans-European Transport Network and the Atlantic corridor in the course of 2021.
For more information, read here the ATN-RTA’s policy paper.

The ATN-RTA continues to work on the Atlantic Strategy and the Atlantic corridor
The Orientations Committee of the Atlantic Transnational Network (ATN-RTA) met today in the French city of Rennes. The meeting was attended by presidents, members and technical staff of Economic, social and environmental Councils members (CESER and CES) of the network. On this occasion, RTA members were informed on the progress of the work currently being carried out by the organization, in particular on the revision of the Atlantic Strategy action plan. A state of play of the latest activities of the working group on the Trans-European Transport network was also presented during the meeting. The session ended with the election of the President of the CESER of Brittany, Patrick Caré, as the new president of the organization for the coming years. On the picture, the presidents of the CES and CESER members of the ATN-RTA in Rennes.
Original news from CES Galicia: https://bit.ly/2YhdihF